About Website


The targeting and systematic destruction of Western Civilization and Western Man has not only begun but is being pushed forward every day at an ever increasing speed. What we are talking about here is Genocide! The systematic destruction of a particular people. The Rule of Law has never applied to the elites of the New World Order; and the rights of individuals, nations or peoples have never concerned them much either. Much lip service is paid to rights, morals, law and ethics but it is little else than that, lip service. It is blatantly clear that the Governments of the West do not listen to The People but dictate to them through a carefully constructed system of Totalitarian Democracy which traps them in an Iron Cage, all of which is manipulated, managed and controlled by a Financial Elite who most people are barely aware of, if at all. Their means of control is through the Total Control of Banking, specifically through central banking using the fractional reserve method. The New World Order elite use this as well as Oligopoly, intimidation, threats and murder; usually through the legal system. It is what is called The Humping-Dog Factor. Also through the co-opting of Education and Religion. This combination is lethal and as stated before; traps all non-elite in an Iron Cage. The triple combination of Capitalism, modern liberal Christianity and Science is self defeating and leads to nihilism.

   What one must understand is that their ideas and definitions of left-wing and right-wing is a skewed from the beginning. Most people tend to think that the Nazi's were right-wing and that the Bolsheviks and the Communists were left-wing. Nothing could be further from the truth. They BOTH were left-wing! ANY ideology or philosophy stemming from socialism is by its very definition from the left. Both were considered Progressives. What we are concerned with is Traditionalism. Traditionalist Conservatism is the real right wing conservatism. For more insight and arguments in favor of traditionalism try reading the history and works of Edmund Burke.

This site will provide helpful advice and direction for those who agree with the need of saving Western Man and his civilization. The need for a re-birth of the noble spirit which has been forgotten, but which is not lost.

This site will try to remain as simple and streamlined as possible. Providing links for further reading, study and contemplation. This site is designed to be a practical guide to point great men in a great direction. A raison d'etre in a World of Nihilism. For a FULL analysis of the Decline of Western Civilization simply follow the link. This website is about stopping the genocide of Western Man and ennobling the Neo-Nobility of Today and Tomorrow.